
10 Tips To Optimise Your Day

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text] Want to know how you can make the most of each and every day? These 10 tips will show you how you can optimise not only your productivity, but how you experience the day. Enter your name and email address below to download the PDF for FREE!   [/vc_column_text][/vc_column][/vc_row]

30 Days with Summit to do

Anybody already familiar with The Primal Effect will know that a big aspect of the methodology is Adversity Training. In addition to the daily adversities, each year I like to set myself a significant challenge that will push me to explore the limits of my perceived capabilities. Last year I set myself the task of […]

What is The Primal Effect?

Sadly, through our modern ways of fast food and social media living, we’re quickly entering into a chronic state of distraction, despair and disease. We’re plagued with illness, both mental and physical, and it’s only getting worse. So does this mean that we, the greatest species in existence, are now set firmly on a collision […]

How To Break Your Fast

One of the main criticisms I encounter when in conversation about Intermittent Fasting is that ‘Breakfast is the most important meal of the day’ and that skipping it is bad for your health. My reply is always the same…take a step back and readjust your perspective on breakfast. Why is it that we assume that […]

Will Fruit Make You Fat?

So we know that sugars are responsible for a lot of problems; obesity, diabetes, and overall inflammation and disease…..lovely. But where do we stand on fructose? Does the naturally occurring sugar found in fruits carry with it the same issues? Will fruit make you fat? I think it’s important that we gain an understanding of […]

Do Calories Really Matter?

Not all calories are created equal… “I don’t understand, I’m eating so few calories, I practice portion control and eat everything in moderation. Why am I not losing any weight?” Sound familiar? If this is you, my heart goes out to you. Clearly you are dedicated to losing that excess body weight, and you’ve committed […]

The Keto Revolution

STOP BLAMING THE BUTTER FOR WHAT THE BREAD DID… It seems the revolution has begun. People are finally becoming wise to the out-dated, inadequate belief system that says fats are the enemy and weight loss is nothing more than a calories in vs. calories out model. We are seeing a new wave of free thinkers […]

Be Like Matcha

A few days ago, I was in my favourite coffee shop where, after much persuasion, I was convinced to try their Japanese Ceremonial Matcha Green Tea. I say after much persuasion because I was reallllly looking forward to my cup of coffee. Anyone who knows me will confirm my serious propensity for a good espresso. […]

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