
The Keto Revolution


It seems the revolution has begun. People are finally becoming wise to the out-dated, inadequate belief system that says fats are the enemy and weight loss is nothing more than a calories in vs. calories out model. We are seeing a new wave of free thinkers opening their eyes and breaking away from years of being misled by indoctrination.

You see, forever we’ve been told that fats are bad, and that sugars are harmless, empty calories. We have become convinced that high fat diets lead to heart disease, high cholesterol and a whole plethora of other illnesses that ultimately result in your untimely death. Oh and don’t forget, worst of all, fats make you fat!

Kinda like Adam Sandler in the movie Waterboy ‘industry experts’ have been forever shouting “Mama says fats are the devil!!” So for the longest time, any suggestion that a high fat diet is the optimal choice has been met with a mix of confusion, contempt and ridicule. If you’re interested in learning more about why the calories in versus calories out model is flawed, and why fats aren’t the devil, you can check this article out.

But alas, my hopes have been spurred up, and my spirits lifted! For it has recently been reported that the goliath weight loss brand Weight Watchers share price dropped a colossal 30% in February. It seems that their shareholders may be losing faith. WW’s position in the whole dietary fat debate has remained steadfast, despite keto’s gathering momentum. They are maintaining their view that keto is a fad and it doesn’t work. Which I guess I can understand, given that their entire ‘points’ system is based entirely on the calories in vs. calories out model. So to accept the legitimacy of the ketogenic diet would mean undermining and delegitimising their entire brand. I wouldn’t like to be the one proposing that strategy at the monthly marketing meeting.

But knowledge is power, and more than ever there is a world of information out there for people to explore; Information that debunks the all too popular myths, information that is causing the foundations of the weight loss industry to crumble around their feet.

People don’t like to feel they are being misled. And it seems that the cat is out of the proverbial bag so to speak. And with that, a new day is dawning in the world of health and wellbeing, one where there are no places to hide with all the misrepresentations. As the X Files say, the truth is out there.

So what’s next for Weight Watchers? Who knows? And honestly, does it really matter? They may just fade away over time, victims of their cognitive dissonance.

I’m just delighted to see that the world is finally catching up and that the facts are finally catching on. Welcome to the Keto Revolution!

Are you vegetarian and interested in Keto, but don’t know where to start? Here’s your guide to a plant based ketogenic diet!

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