
30 Days with Summit to do

Anybody already familiar with The Primal Effect will know that a big aspect of the methodology is Adversity Training. In addition to the daily adversities, each year I like to set myself a significant challenge that will push me to explore the limits of my perceived capabilities. Last year I set myself the task of training every single  day, 365 days in a row. Well, as of today that was that was 448 days ago, so mission accomplished…and then some.

This years challenge is set to be slightly different. This time, it won’t take a year to complete. Because this year it’ll all be over in just 30 days. However, those 30 days promise to be some of the toughest of my life. Throughout my training career, I’ve never been the fittest, most mobile or most agile guy in the world, I spent most of my time in the gym lifting heavy weights, the goal being to make myself as strong as possible. Even at the sacrifice of my cardiovascular conditioning.

However, over the past year or so I’ve found myself growing a bit of an affinity for running, specifically mountain and trail running. What began as a one off exploration on a sunny day has since taken on a life of its own. I’ve rediscovered a fire within me that has truly reignited my love for extreme physical endeavour. So it seemed the natural choice to set this years big challenge in the mountains!

So, every day for 30 days, beginning on May 1st, I will be attempting to run to the top and down of Slieve Donard Mountain. Standing at just under 2’800ft it is the tallest peak in Ulster. Once completed I will have climbed a total of approximately 84’000ft elevation, which will be the equivalent of scaling Mount Everest…just shy of 3 times over.

As my training winds down and the challenge itself draws closer, I find myself gaining a true appreciation for just how difficult this is going to be. I am aware that no two days are going to be the same, being subject to varying conditions. Every time I let myself think about it all, a little butterfly flutters its wings in my belly. But rather than being nervous, I’m excited. I can’t wait to see what unfolds over those 30 days. Forgetting about any of the statistics and regardless of any of the numbers, all I need to remember is that the completion of this challenge lies simply in my ability to place one foot in front of the other. Again…and again…and again…

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